Uninstalling the OpenShift Pipelines operator and the OpenShift Pipelines

To uninstall pipelines you need to first delete the custom resource (added by default when you install the operator), and then uninstall the pipeline operator. Uninstalling the Pipelines operator will not remove the OpenShift Pipelines components created by default when the operator is installed.

Uninstalling the OpenShift Pipeline components and custom resource


Uninstall the custom resource, created by default when you install the Pipelines Operator, as follows:

  1. In the Administrator perspective of the Web Console, navigate to Operators > Installed Operators.

  2. In the Project drop-down select the OpenShift- Operators project.

  3. Click on the OpenShift Pipelines Operator to see the overview of the operator.

  4. Click on the OpenShift Pipelines config tab to see the Configs screen.

  5. Click the Options menu {kebab} adjacent to the cluster config listed in the Configs screen, and select Delete Config.

    Deleting the cluster (instance of config) custom resource, will delete the openshift-pipelines components and all the Tasks and Pipelines on the cluster will be lost.

  6. Click Delete to confirm the deletion of the custom resource.

Uninstalling the pipelines operator


To uninstall the Pipelines operator, follow these steps:

  1. From the Operators > OperatorHub page, use the Filter by keyword box to search for OpenShift Pipelines Operator.

  2. Click on the OpenShift Pipelines Operator tile. The operator tile indicates it is installed.

  3. In the OpenShift Pipelines Operator descriptor screen, click Uninstall.

  4. In the Remove Operator Subscription dialog box, ensure that the Also completely remove the Operator from the selected namespace is selected, and click Remove.