Pipelinerun commands

tkn pipelinerun

Manage pipelineruns.

Example: Display help
$ tkn pipelinerun -h

tkn pipelinerun cancel

Cancel a pipelinerun in a namespace.

Example: Cancel the mypipelinerun pipelinerun from a namespace
$ tkn pipeline cancel mypipelinerun -n myspace

tkn pipelinerun delete

Delete pipelinerun in a namespace.

Example: Delete pipelineruns from a namespace
$ tkn pipelinerun delete mypipelinerun1 mypipelinerun2 -n myspace

tkn pipelinerun describe

Describe a pipelinerun in a namespace.

Example: Describe the mypipelinerun pipelinerun in a namespace
tkn pipelinerun describe mypipelinerun -n myspace

tkn pipelinerun list

Display a list of pipelineruns in a namespace.

Example: Display a list of pipelineruns in a namespace
$ tkn pipelinerun list -n myspace

tkn pipelinerun logs

Show the logs of pipelinerun.

Example: Display the logs of the mypipelinerun pipelinerun with all tasks and steps in a namespace
$ tkn pipelinerun logs mypipeline -a -n myspace