Creating applications with CI/CD Pipelines

The following section demonstrates how to create pipelines, trigger and run them, and check on the application status using the pipeline-tutorial example.


  • You have access to OpenShift Container Platform cluster. Developers can use CodeReady Containers (CRC) to deploy a local OpenShift Container Platform cluster quickly.

  • You have installed OpenShift Pipelines using the OpenShift Pipeline Operator listed in the OpenShift OperatorHub. Once installed, it is applicable to the entire cluster.

  • You have installed the Tekton CLI.

Creating a project and checking your Pipeline service account


  1. Login to your OpenShift Container Platform cluster with your login and password:

    $ oc login -u <login> -p <password>
  2. Create a project for the sample application:

    $ oc new-project pipelines-tutorial
  3. The OpenShift Pipelines Operator adds and configures a Serviceaccount named pipeline that has sufficient permissions to build and push an image. This ServiceAccount is used by pipelineruns. Run the following command to see the pipeline service account:

    $ oc get serviceaccount pipeline

Defining and creating pipeline tasks

Tasks are the building blocks of a Pipeline and consist of sequentially executed steps. steps are a series of commands that achieve a specific goal, for example, build an image.

Every Task runs as a pod and each step runs in its own container within the same pod. Since they run within the same pod they have access to the same volumes to cache files, configmaps, and secrets. They use inputs parameters, for example, a git , and outputs parameters, for example, an image in a registry, to interact with other tasks.

Tasks are reusable and can be used in multiple Pipelines.

Here is an example of a Maven Task with a single step to build a Maven-based Java application.

kind: Task
  name: maven-build
    - name: workspace-git
      targetPath: /
      type: git
  - name: build
    image: maven:3.6.0-jdk-8-slim
    - /usr/bin/mvn
    - install

This Task starts a pod and runs a container inside that pod using the maven:3.6.0-jdk-8-slim image to run the specified commands. It receives an input directory called workspace-git which contains the source code of the application.

Only the requirement for a git repository is declared on the Task and not a specific git repository to be used. This allows Tasks to be reusable for multiple Pipelines and purposes.


  1. Install the apply-manifests and update-deployment tasks from the repositories, which contain a list of reusable Tasks for Pipelines:

    $ oc create -f
    $ oc create -f
  2. Verify the Tasks added to the Pipeline as follows:

    $ tkn task ls
    NAME              AGE
    apply-manifests     10 seconds ago
    update-deployment   4 seconds ago
  3. Verify Operator installed additional tasks -buildah and s2i-python-3:

    $ tkn clustertask ls
    NAME                       AGE
    buildah                    4 minutes ago
    buildah-v0-10-0            4 minutes ago
    openshift-client           4 minutes ago
    openshift-client-v0-10-0   4 minutes ago
    s2i                        4 minutes ago
    s2i-go                     4 minutes ago
    s2i-go-v0-10-0             4 minutes ago
    s2i-java-11                4 minutes ago
    s2i-java-11-v0-10-0        4 minutes ago
    s2i-java-8                 4 minutes ago
    s2i-java-8-v0-10-0         4 minutes ago
    s2i-nodejs                 4 minutes ago
    s2i-nodejs-v0-10-0         4 minutes ago
    s2i-perl                   4 minutes ago
    s2i-perl-v0-10-0           4 minutes ago
    s2i-php                    4 minutes ago
    s2i-php-v0-10-0            4 minutes ago
    s2i-python-3               4 minutes ago
    s2i-python-3-v0-10-0       4 minutes ago
    s2i-ruby                   4 minutes ago
    s2i-ruby-v0-10-0           4 minutes ago
    s2i-v0-10-0                4 minutes ago

Additional resources

Defining and creating pipeline resources

Pipeline resources are artifacts that are used as inputs to a task and can be output by a task.


After you create tasks, create pipeline resources that contain the specifics of the Git repository and the image registry to be used in the pipeline during execution as follows:

  1. Create a PipelineResource that defines the Git repository for the front-end application:

     $ tkn resource create
     ? Enter a name for a pipeline resource : ui-repo
     ? Select a resource type to create : git
     ? Enter a value for url :
     ? Enter a value for revision :
     New git resource "ui-repo" has been created
  2. Create a PipelineResource that defines the OpenShift internal image registry to which you want to push the front-end image:

    $ tkn resource create
    ? Enter a name for a pipeline resource : ui-image
    ? Select a resource type to create : image
    ? Enter a value for url : image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/pipelines-tutorial/ui:latest
    ? Enter a value for revision :
    New git resource "ui-image" has been created
  3. Create a PipelineResource that defines the Git repository for the back-end application:

    $ tkn resource create
    ? Enter a name for a pipeline resource : api-repo
    ? Select a resource type to create : git
    ? Enter a value for url :
    ? Enter a value for revision :
    New git resource "api-repo" has been created
  4. Create a PipelineResource that defines the OpenShift internal image registry to which you want to push the back-end image:

    $ tkn resource create
    ? Enter a name for a pipeline resource : api-image
    ? Select a resource type to create : image
    ? Enter a value for url : image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/pipelines-tutorial/api:latest
    ? Enter a value for revision :
    New git resource "api-image" has been created
  5. View the list of resources created:

    $ tkn resource ls
    NAME        TYPE    DETAILS
    api-repo    git     url:
    ui-repo     git     url:
    api-image   image   url: image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/pipelines-tutorial/api:latest
    ui-image    image   url: image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/pipelines-tutorial/ui:latest

Assembling a pipeline

A Pipeline represents a CI/CD flow and is defined by the Tasks to be executed. It specifies how the Tasks interact with each other and their order of execution using the inputs , outputs, and the run-After parameters. It is designed to be generic and reusable in multiple applications and environments.

In this section you will create a Pipeline that takes the source code of the application from GitHub and then builds and deploys it on OpenShift:



  1. Copy the contents of the following sample Pipeline YAML file and save it:

    kind: Pipeline
      name: build-and-deploy
        - name: api-repo
          type: git
        - name: api-image
          type: image
        - name: ui-repo
          type: git
        - name: ui-image
          type: image
        - name: build-api
            name: buildah
            kind: ClusterTask
              - name: source
                resource: api-repo
              - name: image
                resource: api-image
            - name: TLSVERIFY
              value: "false"
        - name: apply-api-manifests
            name: apply-manifests
              - name: source
                resource: api-repo
            - build-api
        - name: update-api-image
            name: update-deployment
              - name: image
                resource: api-image
            - name: deployment
              value: "api"
            - apply-api-manifests
        - name: build-ui
            name: s2i-python-3
            kind: ClusterTask
              - name: source
                resource: ui-repo
              - name: image
                resource: ui-image
            - name: TLSVERIFY
              value: "false"
        - name: apply-ui-manifests
            name: apply-manifests
              - name: source
                resource: ui-repo
            - build-ui
            - update-api-image
        - name: update-ui-image
            name: update-deployment
              - name: image
                resource: ui-image
            - name: deployment
              value: "ui"
            - apply-ui-manifests

    This Pipeline performs the following tasks:

    • Clones the source code of the back-end application from the api-repo Git repository and the front-end application from the ui-repo resource Git repository.

    • Builds the container image for the front-end using the s2i-python-3 task that generates a Dockerfile for the application using Source-to-Image (S2I).

    • Builds the container image for the back-end using the buildah task that uses Buildah to build the image.

    • The application image is pushed to an image registry.

    • The new application image is deployed on OpenShift using the apply-manifests and update-deployment tasks.

      Pipelines in Tekton are designed to be generic and re-usable across environments and stages through the applications lifecycle. They abstract away the specifics of the Git source repository and image registries to be used during Pipeline execution.

      The execution order of the tasks is determined by the dependencies defined between the tasks using the inputs and outputs parameters, and the explicit orders that are defined using runAfter.

  2. Create the Pipeline:

    $ oc create -f
  3. Verify that the Pipeline has been added to the application as follows:

    $ tkn pipeline ls
    NAME               AGE            LAST RUN   STARTED   DURATION   STATUS
    build-and-deploy   1 minute ago   ---        ---       ---        ---

Triggering and running a pipeline

A PipelineRun starts a Pipeline and ties it to the Git and image resources that should be used for the specific invocation.


  1. Start the Pipeline as follows:

    $ tkn pipeline start build-and-deploy
    ? Choose the git resource to use for api-repo: api-repo (
    ? Choose the image resource to use for api-image: api-image (image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/pipelines-tutorial/api:latest)
    ? Choose the git resource to use for ui-repo: ui-repo (
    ? Choose the image resource to use for ui-image: ui-image (image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/pipelines-tutorial/ui:latest)
    Pipelinerun started: build-and-deploy-run-z2rz8
    Showing logs...

    Starting a pipeline instantiates the PipelineRun and creates a number of pods to execute the tasks that are defined in the pipeline. The PipelineRun automatically creates and triggers the TaskRuns for each Task in the pipeline.

    Note the Pipelinerun ID returned in the command output above.

  2. Track the pipelinerun progress as follows:

    $ tkn pipelinerun logs <pipelinerun ID> -f -n pipelines-tutorial
  3. After a few minutes, verify that the Pipeline ran successfully by listing all the PipelineRuns as follows:

    $ tkn pipeline list
     tkn pipeline list
    NAME               AGE              LAST RUN                     STARTED         DURATION    STATUS
    build-and-deploy   11 minutes ago   build-and-deploy-run-z2rz8   5 minutes ago   5 minutes   Succeeded

Checking pipeline and application status

You can examine the logs for PipelineRuns to verify its status.


  1. Check the PipelineRun logs as it runs using the tkn pipeline logs command, which interactively allows you to chose the required pipelinerun and inspect the logs:

    $ tkn pipeline logs -f
    ? Select pipeline : build-and-deploy
    ? Select pipelinerun : build-and-deploy-run-tsv92 started 39 seconds ago
  2. To rerun the last pipelinerun, using the same pipeline resources and service account used in the previous pipeline, use:

    tkn pipeline start build-and-deploy --last
  3. To verify the application deployment in the OpenShift web console, switch to the Developer perspective.

  4. In the Topology view, select the pipelines-tutorial project from the Project drop-down menu to see the successfully built and deployed applications.

    Application deployed on OpenShift

Additional resources