Taskrun commands

tkn taskrun

Manage taskruns.

Example: Display help
$ tkn taskrun -h

tkn taskrun cancel

Cancel a taskrun in a namespace.

Example: Cancel the mytaskrun taskrun from a namespace
$ tkn taskrun cancel mytaskrun -n myspace

tkn taskrun delete

Delete taskruns in a namespace.

Example: Delete mytaskrun1 and mytaskrun2 taskruns from a namespace
$ tkn taskrun delete mytaskrun1 mytaskrun2 -n myspace

tkn taskrun describe

Describe a taskrun in a namespace.

Example: Describe the mytaskrun taskrun in a namespace
$ tkn taskrun describe mytaskrun -n myspace

tkn taskrun list

List taskruns in a namespace.

Example: List all taskruns in a namespace
$ tkn taskrun list -n myspace

tkn taskrun logs

Display taskruns logs.

Example: Display live logs for the mytaskrun taskrun in a namespace `
$ tkn taskrun logs -f mytaskrun -n myspace