Triggering and running a pipeline

A PipelineRun starts a Pipeline and ties it to the Git and image resources that should be used for the specific invocation.


  1. Start the Pipeline as follows:

    $ tkn pipeline start petclinic-deploy-pipeline \
            -r app-git=petclinic-git \
            -r app-image=petclinic-image \
            -s pipeline
    Pipelinerun started: petclinic-deploy-pipeline-run-q62p8
    • The -r flag specifies the PipelineResource s that should be provided to the pipeline

    • The -s flag specifies the service account to be used for running the pipeline

      Note: OpenShift Pipelines 0.7 does not automatically use the pipeline service account for running pipelineruns. This has been fixed in the OpenShift Pipelines 0.8 release. If you want to use the OpenShift Console developer perspective to start the pipeline with OpenShift Pipelines 0.7, run the following commands to elevate the permissions of the default service account used for running pipelineruns that are started by the OpenShift Console, as follows:

      $ oc adm policy add-role-to-user edit -z default

      Starting a pipeline instantiates the PipelineRun and creates a number of pods to execute the tasks that are defined in the pipeline. The PipelineRun automatically creates and triggers the TaskRuns for each Task in the pipeline.

  2. After a few minutes, verify that the Pipeline ran successfully by listing all the PipelineRuns as follows:

    $ tkn pipeline list
    NAME                        AGE             LAST RUN                              STARTED         DURATION    STATUS
    petclinic-deploy-pipeline   7 minutes ago   petclinic-deploy-pipeline-run-tsv92   5 minutes ago   4 minutes   Succeeded