

The Topology page is a primary navigation item in the OpenShift Developer perspective.


The Topology view would be used in OpenShift Dev-Console to show semantic aggregated metadata about related pods, deployments, builds of application components in a namespace.

Topology View

No Project in Context

When no project is selected, Topology View will prompt users to select from a given list of projects.

No project in context

No Workload Exists

When no workload exists, the topology view redirects users to the add flows to start creating new workloads to be shown on the topology canvas. Topology View

Application selector

Users could choose to select either one of the applications or all the applications from the application selector.

Topology View

1. Navigation item:

‘Topology’ under the Developer perspective of OpenShift.

2. Masthead

The masthead in topology view includes the project and application selector.

3. Topology Canvas

This is the area where the workloads are visually placed in the Topology view.

4. Toolbar

The toolbar consists of the following controls: Zoom-in Zoom-out Fit to Screen Reset View

5. Side Panel

On selecting any workload, connectors or application group on Topology View, their respective details appear on a side panel on the right hand side.

6. Nodes

Node design

Resources of type Deployments, Deployment Configs & Image Streams & Stateful Sets are shown as circle nodes in the topology view.

The circle node can include a pod status indicator, an image, decorators and a node label.

Pod Donut

Pod Status

The pod donut represents the current status of the pods associated with the workload. If there are pods with different statuses, the pod donut is broken up into segments representing the status of the pods.

The pod donut is segmented by status. Between each segment there’s a space of 3px.

The name label contains a badge before the name, that denotes the type of resource.

Node Image

The node image consists of the build image for the resource.


Route Decorator

Clicking on the decorator opens the application in a new browser tab.

Code Decorator

The code decorator is located on the bottom right quadrant of the node. Go To GitHub or CHE Workspace ** NEW IN 4.3

Pod Status If CHE workspace is available, CHE icon should be used

Pod Status If not, determine the git client associated and use that icon

Pod Status If git couldn’t be determined, use git-alt icon from font-awesome

Build Decorator

The build decorator in the topology view is located in the bottom left of the node. The decorator has six options: new, pending, running, completed, failed, and cancelled. When the decorator is hovered on, the status of the build will appear. The build decorator provides a one click action to view the build logs.

Pod Status

Pipeline Decorator

The pipeline decorator in the topology view is located in the bottom left of the node. The decorator has four options: running, completed, failed, and pending. When the decorator is hovered on, the status of the pipeline will appear. The pipeline decorator provides a one click action to view the pipeline run logs.

Pod Status

Node Label

The label would consist of a resource badge followed by the name of the component.

Pod Status

7. Application group

Unselected State

Application Group - hello-openshift-app

Application Groups

Hover State

Application Hover

Selected State

Application Selected

Side panel content for Application Groups

Application Side Panel

Name Label

Name of the app label on the basis of which the grouping has been done would appear as group name.


Unselected State

Connector Unselected

Selected State

Connector Selected

Hover State

Connector Hover

Hover on Delete Button

Connector Delete Tooltip

Hover on Arrow

Connector Move Toolip

On Selection

Connector Move Toolip

Not sure if this will be a real resource or just an element in the graph

Click on a connector to select it. Side panel opens with the details of the connector.


1. Actions for nodes

User wants to edit Application grouping

Select Node

Select the component to be added to a new application group.

Edit Application Grouping

The side panel opens with the details of the selected node. From the Actions dropdown in the side panel, select ‘Edit Application Grouping’.

Select Application Grouping

A modal opens up allowing the user to select an application from a dropdown menu.

Create Application Grouping

Users get an option to select from a list of pre-existing application, or create a new one to add the component to. To create a new application, select the option ‘Create Application Group’

Create Application Grouping

A new field appear to allow users to enter a name for the new application group to be created.

Connector Created

On clicking on ‘Save’’ the component gets added to the newly created application group.

User wants to delete a component

Delete using action menu on the side panel

Side Panel Menu

On selecting a node, the side panel appears with information about the node. The actions dropdown on the side panel include node specific actions.

Delete Component

Select Delete Component Or, hit ‘Delete’ key after selection.

Delete Confirmation

A delete confirmation is displayed.

Node Deleted

Upon confirming, the node and any associated connectors disappear

User wants to add a component node to an application group using drag and drop

Click to drag

Click and drag the node to the desired application.

Drag to move

While dragging, the other components become faded in appearance and the App group in contact with the moving node gets a hover state.

Drag to move

On release the component gets added to the application group.

User wants to move a component node from one app to another

Drag to change application

Click and drag the node to the desired application.

Drop over new application

Drop the component node inside another app by releasing the click.

Confirm Action

On dropping the node, a dialogue box appears to confirm the action of moving Node1 from App1 to App2.

Node Moved

Once confirmed, the component node becomes a part of the new application group and the group elements rearrange themselves to accommodate the change.Exception: Moving from inside an application group to no group.

2. Actions For Application Groups

Collapse Application Groups

Delete Application

Delete Menu Item

From the actions dropdown on the right top corner of the details panel, select ‘Delete Application’

Confirm Deletion

A confirmation message appears warning the user of the various resource types that would be deleted along with the application group.

Confirm Deletion

On confirming the action, the Application Group gets deleted and disappears from the view.

3. Actions For Connectors

User wants to create a new connection

Connection handle

On Hover, a dangling arrow appears around the node.

Click and drag

Drag and drop

Click and drag on the arrow towards another node with which connection has to be created. On hovering over any other node while dragging the arrow, they would appear in hover state.

Connection created

On release, new connection shows.

User wants to move the connections - origin of the connection being the same

Hover on arrowhead

On hover, the arrow of the connector gets highlighted.

Hover on arrowhead

Drop the arrow of the connector over the desired node to move the connection to.

Hover on arrowhead

On release a connection is created to the new node.

User wants to delete a connection

Hover on arrowhead

When user hovers over or selects a connection, delete button appears.

Hover on arrowhead

Hover on arrowhead

On clicking the icon, a delete confirmation is displayed. Or, select the connector and hit ‘Delete’ key.

4. Other Actions

Find components on topology view

Filter the view in topology

Add components from topology view

Showing Helm Chart Release Notes on topology

Visualization of virtual machines resources in topology view

Topology is enhanced when the OpenShift Serverless, Virtualization and Pipelines operator are installed.