Units (e.g. MiB, GiB) are selected via a dropdown menu.
Users should be informed that expanding a PVC is potentially a time-consuming process.
The primary action button is Expand and a there is a secondary Cancel action.
Implementation Details
The Expand action should be disabled until the user enters a capacity greater than the current capacity for that volume.
The user should not be able to use the decrement button to set a value lower than the current capacity.
If the user types a value lower than the current capacity in the touchspin, or changes the units to a smaller value, the error should be indicated inline and the Expand action button disabled.
Non-CNS Modal
For providers other than CNS, the modal should warn users that they will need to manually restarted to complete the expansion process.
When the expansion has completed successfully, the user should see a toast notification as well as receiving a notification in the notification drawer.
For non-CNS providers, users should receive a warning toast indicating that they should restart their pods.
If the expansion fails for some reason, it would be nice to be able to provide users with an easy-to-understand error message.
The failure event should also be added to the notification drawer.
Experience Gaps
The fact that we cannot know what applications are consuming a given PVC is a gap in terms of the UX.
For all providers, but particularly for non-CNS providers, it would be very helpful if we could tell users what applications will be affected by changes to the PVC.
Users may also want to protect their data by backing up or snapshotting their volumes. Once this functionality is implemented, the UI should communicate best practices.
Users are unable to restore from a snapshot or backup. Therefore we are unable to provide any guidance or remedy in the event that the expansion fails in such a way that users’ data is corrupted or unavailable.