

  1. Home
    1.1 Overview
    1.2 Status
    1.3 Catalog
    1.4 Search All Resources
    1.5 Events
    1.6 My Super Special CRD

  2. Operators
    2.1 Kubernetes Marketplace
    2.2 Cluster Service Version
    2.3 Catalog Sources
    2.4 Subscriptions
    2.5 Install Plans
    2.6 My Super Special CRD

  3. Workloads
    3.1 Pods
    3.2 Deployments
    3.3 Deployment Configs
    3.4 Stateful Sets
    3.5 Secrets
    3.6 Config Maps
    3.7 Cron Jobs
    3.8 Jobs
    3.9 Daemon Sets
    3.10 Replica Sets
    3.11 Replication Controllers
    3.12 HPAs
    3.13 Virtual Machine
    3.14 My Super Special CRD

  4. Networking
    4.1 Services
    4.2 Routes
    4.3 Ingress
    4.4 Network Policy
    4.5 My Super Istio Special CRD

  5. Storage
    5.1 Persistent Volume
    5.2 Persistent Volume Claims
    5.3 Storage Classes
    5.4 My Super Special CRD

  6. Builds
    6.1 Builds
    6.2 Build Configs
    6.3 Image Streams
    6.4 My Super Special CRD

  7. Service Catalog
    7.1 Brokers
    7.2 Service Instances
    7.3 Bindings
    7.4 My Super Special CRD

  8. Monitoring
    8.1 Metrics
    8.2 Alerts
    8.3 Dashboard
    8.4 My Super Special CRD

  9. Extensions

  10. Administration
    10.1 Roles
    10.2 Role Bindings
    10.3 Service Accounts
    10.4 Projects
    10.5 Resource Quotas
    10.6 Limit Ranges
    10.7 Chargeback
    10.8 Cluster Manager
    10.9 VM Super Admin


  • The default navigation background should be pf-black-900 (#292E34). When a primary navigation item is hovered or selected, the section background should be pf-black-800 (#393F44).
  • Icons should be from the PatternFly library. See below for the complete list of icons.
  • The default icon color should be pf-black-600 (#72767B). When a primary navigation item is selected, the associated icon should be pf-blue-300 (#39A5DC).
  • The default text color should be pf-black-300 (#D1D1D1). When a navigation item is hovered or selected, the text color should be white (#FFFFFF) and the text should be semibold.
  • Primary navigation text should be size 14. Sub navigation text should be size 12.
  • Horizontal separators should be used to separate subsections within the same primary navigation section.
  • The selected page in the navigation should have a vertical indicator on the left side in pf-blue-300 (#39A5DC).
    • When the nav item is collapsed (Ex: Workloads), the blue vertical indicator spans the entire nav item.
    • When the primary nav item is expanded, the blue vertical indicator is shown only on the specific secondary nav item.
  • The fa-angle-down icon should be displayed for primary sections that are in the expanded state.
  • When hovering over a collapsed primary nav section, the fa-angle-right icon should be displayed to the right of the name,


Navigation Item Icon
Home pficon-home
Operators pficon-on-running
Workloads fa-folder-open-o
Networking pficon-network
Storage pficon-storage-domain
Builds pficon-build
Service Catalog pficon-catalog
Monitoring pficon-screen
Extensions TBD
Administration fa-gear

image 1