Cluster resource

A Cluster resource represents a cluster other than the one Pipelines is currently running on. This resource allows users to deploy applications or functions on different clusters.

The resource uses the provided parameters to create a link:(kubeconfig file that can be used by other steps in the pipeline task to access the target cluster. The kubeconfig file is placed in /workspace/<your-cluster-name>/kubeconfig on your Task container.

The Cluster resource has the following parameters:


  • name: The name to be given to the target cluster, will be used in the kubeconfig file and also as part of the path to the kubeconfig file.

  • URL: Host URL of the master node.

  • username: The user with access to the cluster.

  • cadata: Holds PEM-encoded bytes and is typically read from a root certificate bundle.


  • password: To be used for clusters with basic auth

  • token: Used for authentication. If present it is used ahead of the password.

  • insecure: Indicates whether the server should be accessed without verifying the TLS certificate.

Only one authentication technique is allowed per user; either a token or a password should be provided. If both are provided, the password will be ignored.

The following example displays the syntax and structure of a Cluster resource:

kind: PipelineResource
  name: test-cluster
  type: cluster
    - name: URL
      value: # url to the cluster master node
    - name: cadata
      value: LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJ.....
    - name: token
      value: ZXlKaGJHY2lPaU....